Monday, November 25, 2019

2019 - Gratitude Month #25 - Genealogy and Facebook Friends

Gratitude day #25

Today I am grateful for my Facebook friends.

I have so many! Let me tell you who they are:
Those I have met at genealogy conferences and seminars.
Those who have contacted me after a webinar.
Those whom I have never met, and may never meet.
Former church friends who lived in my area.
Current church friends who live in my area.
Relatives of mine that I have only known through FB.
Relatives of mine that I know better because of FB.
Relatives of Kerry that I barely knew before, but know better.
Nieces and nephews galore.

I am not a FB addict, but have loved using this medium to stay connected. I am grateful when I learn:
That a friend or relative has gotten married, and can see their photos.
That a new baby has joined the family - anyone's family!
When someone has purchased a new home, and they take me on a tour of it.
When good news happens, and I am able to rejoice with them.
When sad news comes, and I am able to grieve with them, and perhaps comfort them.
When I have been specifically asked to remember someone in prayer. Often this comes as a PM, in which I thank them for asking for that needed strength, and will absolutely remember them in prayer.
When someone is so proud of a grandchild, or even their own accomplishment - I regale!

And, the cat and baby videos. I'm even grateful for those.

I check in often to give my mind a refresh. I spend most of the day involved in research, and sometimes I need a breather. Facebook provides that diversion for a bit; then, it's back to work.

I have become an even better genealogist because of your postings.
I've become a better friend through your postings.
I've become a better person through your postings.

There are high possibilities that I may never meet many of you. I may only know you through your written words. And, that may be the only way you will know me - which is why I try to be careful, and try to lift and inspire and laugh.

So, for each of you I am grateful, for there may be no other way that I would have met you.

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