Friday, November 16, 2018

Gratitude Day #16 - 2018 - Kerry's Parents

Gratitude Day #16

Today, I am so thankful for Mr. Kerry's wonderful inlaws.

These fine, fine people raised a family of eleven children. I was so amazed at their abilities -- building their own home, Shirley's decorating skills, her poise and her beauty, both them rolling up their shirtsleeves and working shoulder to shoulder on house projects, and more things than I can remember.

Kerry's dad was a CPA, earning it after going to night school for eleven years. He wanted to provide a better life for his family.

Shirley was a mother extraordinnaire. She taught her daughters about dressing and behaving with style and class.

Orson taught his sons about the importance of treating a lady like a lady. Kerry and I have been married 41 years, and he still helps me with my coat, scoots my chair in, and holds open every door. Many said after the first year of marriage that it would likely end. He knew it wouldn't, for he saw his own father treat women like the queens they are.

Kerry followed in his father's footsteps in another way, too. There was nearly always a baby in the house. As his mom would be fixing dinner and getting everyone ready to sit down, the newest baby would always be placed at the end of the table where Orson was. It was his job to feed the littlest one, and he loved it.

One of the most important thing that ever landed on my heart was a conversation I heard Shirley having with Kerry's sister Gay. Shirley had artistic flair, and it was passed on to several family members, Gay included. I had gone out on to an upper landing where I heard the two of them having a conversation on the lawn below where I was standing.

She was asking Gay's advice on a certain color or fabric, and they were going over the pros and cons of each item mentioned.

She was asking her daughter for advice.

As the baby in the family, this was totally foreign to me. Sometimes the youngest has no credibility at all...and, that is still the case with me.

She asked her daughter for advice. I am still shaking my head.

My mom died in 1984.
My dad died in 2002.
Shirley died in 2003.
Orson died in 2004.

And, just like that...we became the older generation.

I genuinely miss these two fine people. I didn't have them in my life long enough.

But, I will always be grateful to them for raising the little boy who would become the man I would marry.

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