Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Facebook Fast 2018 - #9

Facebook withdrawal #9
First and foremost, I discovered I had spelled withdrawal wrong several times. I am mortified at my own self. I had forgotten the final "a". I must have been thinking southern, like in the drawl.
I err.
It's been a misty, gray, overcast autumn day. I actually love cozying up ok this kind of day.
My thoughts:
1. I read three more chapters of scripture.
2. I am marking the book I am researching in to pieces. I make every book a workbook.
3. I went off course and scrolled through FB for about ten minutes. I didn't like how I felt afterwards.
I think I know why.
There are some people who just make you feel so good about life when you're around them. And, you even feel better about your own self because they bring out the best in you.
They radiate hope.
Then, there are some who are exactly opposite; and that can rub off on people, too.
I am more than sure that I have been both. And, I am not very proud of that.
I want to be remembered for being like the first example; not a Pollyanna, for I don't sugarcoat.
I just want to be a good person who cheers others on, and who looks for the good. FB sometimes keeps me from doing that. So, for me this fast was good.
4. I discovered I am not very good at fasting. In our church, we are encouraged to fast once a month for at least two meals. (The first Sunday) Then, the money we would have used for those meals can be donated for helping the poor.
I love food. It's always been a challenge. We donate the money anyway, but the act of fasting is one I have never perfected.
Then, I had to begin taking medications that can't be taken on an empty stomach. (Like it's ever empty - lol!) That means I can't fast.
But, I can fast from "things" - like FB, television, etc. So, that's what I have been doing the past several years. On the Saturday evening before Fast Sunday, I shut down all electronics and focus on a different side of my nature.
Hence, this FB fast has been good for me. I don't know how or if it's affected others, but I know how I have changed.
6. Last night I stepped outside and saw the Milky Way and the millions of stars within it. It took my breath away! It brought back memories of the many, many times Kerry would take the kids out onto the deck and teach them about the heavens. Sometimes we came home late at night, and I would open up the door and start telling the kids to hang up coats, put things away, and begin getting ready for bed.
Except they weren't there. They were with their dad in the front yard, all looking up.
Seeing that beautiful sight last night made me wonder about my own place in the universe, and in this wonderful world.
Yes, this fast has been good for me.
One more day.

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