Thursday, October 11, 2018

Facebook Fast 2018 - #5

Day #5 of FB withdrawl

I have to honestly admit that I was not looking forward to limiting my FB time for ten days. I wondered how I was going to make it work for me. Not for anyone else, but for me.

This is hump day, and every single day has proven me wrong, for I am doing some things I should have been doing all along.

1. The chickens woke me up this morning. This little flock has grown from 4 --> 6 --> 9! I guess they have told all of their friends about the croissants they've been getting at our house. It's like 'Chicken Trick or Treat'. And, my smarty pants friend Dan Earl has dubbed Kerry and I "Chicken Tenders". SA.

2. I wrote a blog post for National Coming Out Day. Sometimes I'm lazy at keeping up on my blog, and I figured today was a good day to write. For those who read it and commented, whether on FB or on the actual blog, I thank you.

3. I talked three times with my sister who fell last Saturday. I feel better about her getting back on her feet, for she really fell hard. I'm glad she went to the doctor, her (replaced) knee, shoulder, head, and glasses really took a hit.

4. I talked again with my neighbor whose father recently died. It is so difficult when we begin losing the older generation.

5. I cut Kerry's hair.

6. I wrote two more pages in my journal.

7. I read four chapters of scriptures.

8. I registered three new appliances online.

9. I sent in five more updated handouts for upcoming presentations.

10. I began to whittle down my physical stack of books that need to be read. By that, I mean actually reading and making lots of notations in them for future reference. No one will want my books when I'm dead.

11. I have discovered that after the initial weaning, I'm really not missing FB that much. I'm missing YOU, but not every single thing that goes running through my feed.

I think one of the most interesting things about this challenge that I have elected to do is that it is very similar to losing weight. Many of you know that I used to weigh quite a bit more. And, in the process of losing weight and cutting back on certain things, they need to be replaced with something else -- something good.

I have done that. Instead of parked at my desk or in my chair, or looking at my phone while we are driving around, I am looking at the beauty of nature and the marvelous people around me. I have had the good fortune of being surrounded by some of the best people who have walked this earth, and I just wonder how many I have missed by being absorbed by my flat screen.

It was brought home to me how much we read each others' faces when we're actually talking and communicating, as opposed to posting or shouting behind a keyboard. When we're physically together, we look at each other. We lean in. We search for understanding. We touch. We focus. We read each others' faces.

The scoffing has all but stopped. No one said anything to me today about how silly this is. It's not silly. It has helped me focus on some things I needed to hone in on.

And, I didn't realize how much I needed to do it.

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