Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Facebook Fast 2018 - #4

Day #4 of FB withdrawl...
I'm going to admit that there have been some times that are difficult to stay off FB. I'm not keeping myself off of it totally, for I am contacted quite often through PM and Messenger.
But, I have had some really good experiences, too.
1. The chickens are back. Kerry and I are having a hoot with these pretty little birds! We fed them some more croissants, they got their fill, and they merrily clucked away.
2. I spent more time on my tractor, and I didn't drive it at high speed. This is my favorite month, and as I looked up at my house from the back field, I saw the things I hold beautiful home, a vivid blue sky, sun shining on the windows turning them a brilliant gold, and memories of my children riding their bikes down the hills. I mowed until the gentle rains began.
3. I took Kerry to the dentist. Normally, I would be holed up in the corner reading -- or scrolling through FB and ignoring those around me, not making eye contact. Not today. I watched a mom braid a little girl's hair, placing beads in it at certain points. I told the little girl her mom did a good job, and the three of us talked until Kerry came out. If I had been buried in FB, I would have missed a beautiful conversation.
4. I talked with my neighbor, whose father just died. He lived beside us in a different house. It's hitting her pretty hard, and I'm grateful that we had those moments to talk and grieve together.
5. I sent in four more updated handouts and continued working on PP slides.
6. I didn't kill any more spiders, but I saw a woolly bear. Those little worms have always fascinated me.
7. I talked with my son this afternoon, and another one yesterday. Daughter called while we were driving back from Kansas City. It's always good to talk with my children, and there's never a time limit.
8. I talked with Kerry as we were driving around town today, and did not hold my phone to my face checking for messages.
9. I wrote two pages in my journal.
I guess the bottom line is that I am not reporting to you...I am reporting to me. I am making a course correction that I honestly didn't know I needed. I've been missing a lot of the world while I've been buried on my phone or computer.
And, I've missed some opportunities to talk with some really wonderful people.
So, while there may be those who scoff at this challenge, I am not. I'm balancing myself out.

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