Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Facebook Fast 2018 - #3

Day # 3 of FB withdrawl...
I am slowly becoming a more disciplined person. And, I like what I see.
1. I'm not going down the FB rabbit hole.
2. I'm not so concerned with what people had for dinner. Well, sort of. I do like seeing what others have put together, and I do like recipes.
3. I have made meals that took some thought, instead of throwing something together.
4. I updated four handouts.
5. I continued working on new PowerPoints, and updated two others. It is so hard to craft the very first screen.
6. I had meaningful conversations with three friends and two of my sisters, including the one who took a hard fall on Saturday.
7. My dishwasher has broken, so I washed a mountain of dishes by hand. And, I actually found it quite soothing. I never did before, as I usually had four young children around me. But, staring out the kitchen window at the beauty of autumn with my hands in warm water just felt good.
8. Kerry and I laughed. And, laughed some more.
9. I killed two more spiders.
10. I fed six chickens croissants. We have no idea where these chicken came from; however one day about two weeks ago I thought I heard a chicken clucking. The next day I heard it again, and saw one walking around our deck. Today, I heard Kerry gallop to the kitchen and announce that they were under the azalea bushes. Before long, he and I were feeding one golden chicken and five black and white speckled chicken croissants. They got their fill, and kept marching around.
11. I read three more chapters of scriptures.
I am seeing more of the world and reconnecting with good people as I do this "FB fast". It might not be right for you; but, it's right for me.

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