Sunday, December 3, 2017

Gratitude Day #30 - Mr. Kerry - 30 Nov 2017

Today I am grateful for Mr. Kerry.
Forty years ago today, I was a nervous, young 22-year old girl about to be married the next day. I had met a man that seemed to love me with all his heart, who I had grown quite fond of, and had asked me to be his wife for eternity.
I hadn't loved him at first, but I was slowly getting there.
He treated me like a lady; opening doors...and still does. Pulling my chair out for me...and still does. Helping me with my coat...and still does.
My parents adored him. And, when I had taken a few days to give him my answer after he proposed, my dad asked me when I was going to give him an answer.
Me: "I don't know".
Dad: "You had better think real hard about this. For how many people do you think are going to be willing to live with YOU?"
Sigh...they loved him. They tolerated me.
Through the years, Kerry and I have:
Moved from Washington, DC to Ohio.
Born and raised four children to adulthood.
Buried one of those children.
Acquired a whole passel of grandchildren.
Traveled to all fifty states.
Bought a home.
Supported Kerry as he worked 30 years as a letter carrier supporting our family.
Buried our parents.
Buried one of his siblings.
Rejoiced over choices adult children have made.
Grieved over choices adult children have made.
Wept with joy.
Wept with fear.
Wept at loss.
Devoted our lives to serving God and serving others.
The final words my mother said to me on the day we married still echo in my ears. Her mantra: "Root hog, or die."
In other words,'re on your own. Don't expect anyone to carry you now. You're a big ol' married girl, and it's your responsibility to make it without relying on anyone else from now on.
A true statement. And, we have done it.
There has not been one single moment in forty years of marriage that I ever regretted marrying him.
Not one moment.
There has been frustrations as someone who was raised as an only child blended with someone who cane from a family of eleven children.
But, we have done it. And, we're going to keep on doing it.
Kerry is the best person I have ever known in my life, for he is a man filled with integrity -- the type of person who is good when no one is watching.
God bless this good man.
And now, this is the end of my gratitude posts. I have done one each day for thirty days, and could go on every day the rest of my life and never run out of things to be thankful for.
Because...that is what I have chosen.
Love to you all...
Wedding day at the Washington Temple - 1 Dec 1977


  1. Peggy, I have enjoyed your posts this month - well done! We get to know you better, and learn more about your life with Mr. Kerry. I wish you much more!!

    1. Randy, how kind of you! There have been many who have responded so positively to these posts, but the main reason I do them is to remind me of what I have. Sometimes we take things for granted that we are truly blessed with. I don't want to do that.

      Thank you so much!
