Saturday, November 3, 2018

Gratitude Day #3 - 2018 - My Children

Gratitude Day #3
Today I am grateful for the opportunity I had to raise a family. And, what a ride it has been!
Kerry was smack dab in the middle of eleven children. I grew up alone. I sure had a lot to learn.
But, I also know I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't had the opportunity to raise a family. It got me out of my selfish self.
I was a young mother with four children under five. Three of those children were still in diapers, with two on formula when we had our last one. We were a single income family. And, I was worn out.
Each of these children brought a different personality with them.
Peter was the oldest. And, he had "oldest child complex". I remember him asking me one time what "we were going to do about...", who had been acting out. I told him "we" weren't going to do anything. It would be up to me and his dad.
Peter had a gentle soul, and would leave this earth too soon at the age of thirty. At his funeral, I was amazed at the stories people told me about he had influenced their lives. That certainly helped us...but, I kind of wish they had told him.
Harmony came along when Peter was 2 1/2; and I'm not sure he ever got over "replacing him". Her spirit was and is a strong one. We have so much fun talking each Sunday afternoon and catching up on things. She and I just "get it", even when no words are spoken.
Jordan came along 16 months after Harmony. He was that cuddly child everybody wanted to take home with them. Today, he is a good husband and father with four of his own. He told me he often my words come flying out of his mouth. Score! Jordan checks in with us about 2-3 times every week.
Erik came along ten months after Jordan. He actually had us all to himself more than any of the others. His work ethic has always stood out among others, and others notice that right away. He calls about once a month, and we talk for four hours.
Having a family has brought me to the brink of tears many times; both out of joy and of frustration. They have brought me to my feet as I cheer for them; and brought me to my knees in fervent prayer as I plead for them to find the right way.
I learned how to hone in on what is being said; and even more importantly, what is not being said.
These children of mine are just the best of the best; and they have cared about us from afar as we have gotten older and a bit slower. I wouldn't trade them for anyone else's children.
They are the reason I am who I am today; and I am grateful beyond measure.

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